Hi, my name is Justin Ong. This is my first blog. Since, I still can't read or write, my papa is writing for me..
About me :
- Almost 3 and half years old
- Weight : 14kg
- Height : 98cm
Hobbies :
- Watching 613 on Astro
- Reading
- Keeping scrap book/'Album'
- Dancing with Elyssa
- Kai Kai
Favourite Food :
- Mee soup
- Sticky rice
- Most soups
- Ice cream
- Fruits like durian, dragonfruit
- Vege like brocolli, spinach
but cannot eat : eggs, ikan bilis, nuts coz of eczema
Cries because :
- Don't want pom pom
- Don't want to get ready to oi oi
- Just want my way and no other way!
Academic Achievements
- Graduate of Gymboree class, but sometimes still cry in class even towards the end..
- Can read A-Z completely, ok better in capital than small letters
- Can read 1 to around 12 effortlessly
- Can remember by heart songs like 'humpty dumpty', 'hey diddle diddle', 'itsy bitsy spider'
Next challenge :
- Music class in Yamaha, but only after I turn 3 and a half years old coz that's the minimum age